Our products did not travel across the ocean to reach you. Instead they come directly to you from our farms.

The concept of the company IM Matijević is based on the principle “From the fields to the table”, which means that we feed our animals with 100% macrocomponents produced in our fields, and we buy only premixes that participate with 5% of the needs. This principle enables a high level of food control and safety, which ensures the placement of high-quality meat and processed products to our retail facilities, and excludes any possibility of endangering the health of our end users.

“Matijević Agrar” cultivates 36,000 ha of land throughout Vojvodina and 2,000 ha in the Republic of Croatia. By applying new technologies and modern agricultural mechanization, it achieves very high yields of all field crops. On its arable land, it produces all macrocomponents for mixed fodder, which at four locations produce fodder for animal feed on farms. These companies produce and deliver 100,000 fattening pigs, 5,000 fattening cattle and 8,000,000 fattening chickens to the meat industry on their farms. completes the production system from the field to the table.